Meaning Feed Conversion Ratio
What does Feed Conversion Ratio mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word Feed Conversion Ratio. You can also add a definition of Feed Conversion Ratio yourself


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Feed Conversion Ratio

in aquaculture, the feed conversion ratio is the kilogram or pounds of food required to increase the biomass in the pond by one kilogram or pound. Many factors go into determining the optimal FCR and [..]


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Feed Conversion Ratio

In aquaculture, the ratio that describes the number of kilograms of fish feed that are used to produce one kilogram of whole fish.
Source: (offline)


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Feed Conversion Ratio

In aquaculture, this term is generally the ratio of how much food isĀ used to produce the fish species, or more specifically the ratio of the amount of feed necessary to the gain in wet body weight of [..]


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Feed Conversion Ratio

The ratio of the gain in wet body weight of fish to the amount of dry feed fed to the fish. Currently, farming of carnivorous fish results in a net loss of fish or protein, since these fish require fish oil and fishmeal for feed. Farming herbivorous and omnivorous fish, such as carp, catfish, and tilapia, results in a net gain of fish or protein, s [..]
Source: (offline)

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